Brand and logo : CIMaCo-P.L.I. Packaging, 2005
Client: Fabien Pons, CEO and funder.


Order: To define a global identity to launch a new pharmaceutical purveyor. This new actor is working with a network from another region and want to become a new reference for a specialized packagings machinery.

I first have to understand the market, the place to work and the habits of the customers.

The name came from the sign: Conception et Installation de MAchines de COnditionnement - Poudres Liquides Ingénierie Packaging [Design and Installation for Packaging Machinery - Powders Liquids Engineering Packaging].
The P.L.I. Packaging is the same sign in french than in english and allows profesionals ti identify immediatly the firm's missions.

The graphic identity introduces seriousness (needed in pharmaceutical domain) and dynamism (CEO's supper hand) as to position the firm as expert.

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